
Latest Acquisitions from Shanghai C&G

A few months ago, I sent some fabric to Shanghai C&G tailoring for some suits. I received some QC pictures today showing the completed items and I look forward to receiving them in the mail soon.


Fabric: pinstripe from Holland and Sherry. Petrol Blue Mohair from Harrison Burley.

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Pocket Squares on a Budget

I like pocket squares. I think a nicely folded pocket square can add a nice touch to a work suit in a rather dandified fashion. The problem is they’re often difficult to find and some of the squares with nicer patterns, such as those from Henry Carter, Sam Hober or Luxire tend to be priced out of my little league budget.

Of course, there are budget alternatives like just folding a regular white cotton handkerchief in your pocket. There’s also alot of ebay dealers who mass-sell polyester squares for weddings. I personally avoid them because while cheap, the fabric looks rather nasty and they don’t hold creases very well. Nothing like having a wad of polyester lumping out the bottom of your pocket like a misshapen manboob.

I’ve seen a few from thetiebar which have rather interesting designs and at $10-15 USD a pop, they’re certainly affordable and don’t break the budget.

However, I’ve recently found an ebay seller who stocks a wide range of cheap pocket squares and at around $3 per square, they really have no business being this cheap. There’s alot of interesting paisley, stripe and dot designs and I was pretty keen to try them out. Hell, for less than a price of a coffee and free shipping, there was little harm in buying a few and if they didn’t arrive, I’d just go through the arduous process of filing a paypal dispute.

Pocket Squares

I ended up buying three paisley squares in a cotton-blend fabric. I like some small paisleys and they complemented some ties that I had. While the shipping took a while, I was impressed by the quality at the price. These squares aren’t the fancy grenadine or Macclesfield ones you buy from accessory stores but damn, they certainly don’t look like the cheap squares that come with matching ties from wedding sets pushed by alot of ebay vendors and they can hold a fold quite well.

For less than the price of lunch, I managed to score some bargain pocket squares and look awesome doing so. Granted, they took a month to arrive but damn, there’s few complaints there.

They can be found in the ebay store of the user known as “Goodmakers”. He (she?) sure made some good there.